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Dbz 666# satanic car
Concerned about the influence on home Televisión,we send you a compendium of investigation conducted by the Central University of Ecuador concerning the DRAGON BALL Z TV program. the same that will be described in this article. The company BIK STUDIO SHUEISMA ANIMATION is one of the most successful companiesin China, it is the creator of most popular Animated programs transmitted worldwide, including:THUNDER CATS, POKEMON, SAINT SEIYA (KNIGHTS OF THE ZODIAC), SENRY,SAILOR MOON, ETC., This company has been created the most successful cartoon parasus assets, which has given and continues to give millions in profits.Who has not heard of this anime series that certainly has caught thousands of children and teenagers world wide.but why is this happening? The company has been associated with Satan as the different cartoon creators have made a covenant with the devil mentioned. They go to a place called MILK, this is a characteristic colonyof China that all its inhabitants are witches, sorcerers,spiritualist. It is a colony ruled by Satan himself here the creators of these famous drawings wich are mentioned will be encouraged to seek the blessing of satan for the great success to change their lives in exchange for their souls.let's take an example from this famous cartoon called DRAGONBALL to show you some things you cananalyze and draw your own conclusions. The basis of this anime is based on a story written by the chinese Buddhist priest WU CHENG.DORAGUN BORU(dragonball) means "BEAST IN COMING"Here stands an excellent martial arts fighter named Goku whos real name is Kakarot and that means "MALICIOUS POSSESSION". Goku belongs to the saiya-jin's world. in some Oriental cities the ones who are demon-possessed go by this name: Sayayin.The character called Goku fights with several fighting techniques and each technique has its meaning.THE KAMEHAMEHA- this is a key word that spiritualists and witch doctors use during diabolical rituals to feel Satan's presence in their lives and receive power.THE KAYOKEN- is a powerful evil force the devil gives spiritualist & sorcerers when they want to go higher.To they must wait for 6 days in a`remote place with the devil in preparation to receive malignant forces.Goku has a wife, father in law and inseparable friends. Lets see who they are. his wife is called (chi-chi) that means MILK and we have explained that it is a place where their people are just witches, wizards and Spiritualists. They do rituals every Tuesday and Friday and Satanic worship.The father-in-law is called ox satan ( ox king )Goku's friends are also associated with something evil, they are:PICORO (picallo)- this means " evil king from other world." he believes that hell is a splendid place.TEN SHINGAN- is the demon that witches, sorcerers say is in every place wich protects day and night.this character has three eyes they believe the third eye sees everything.KURIRIN (krillin) - the name of a sorceressin the Xll (12th) century. she had 6 black crows the story says the 6 crows were 6 spirits that accompanied her,the six dots on krillin's forehead is a symbol of these spirits.YAM CHA- is the name of a powerful warlock that still exists in China. he is worshipped openly his god and creator is satan.ROSHI- is Goku's teacher, his name is the aromatic essence made from herbs that are used to be sprinkled throughout one's body before their worship ordiabolical rituals.there's also meanings found for the gods or teachers whose meaning might make you stop to think.KAIOSAMA = eternal evil, Kamisama = eternal hell,ENMASAMA = eternal sin, KING YEMMA = Prince of Satan It also speaks of a planet called NAMEKKUSEI This word is formed in Chinese and Arabic languages and means to say PLACE OF TORMENT.there originated the dragon balls The dragon is called SHAILON (shen-long). his power grantsall kinds of desires and requests made if the 7 spheres are gathered. It is a word used in the satánic rituals to get their presence. SHAILON means "eternal powerful Satan." Finally in this cartoon we find names and find different meanings that perhaps thousands ofpeople ignore.our conclusion the animated seriesis very dangerous for those who see, because satan is overtly manifested bringing evil spirit to fight, lying and negative thing for everyone who sees it. The series are productive for their creators, which is found in albums, video tapes, supplies, in clothes for children and more.Where the people are about to see the program does not realize that a FLASH begins very powerful, yet so fast that people do not notice which is a control that is pre-enlightened Chinese companies using cartoons that servesto impact making the viewer want to see again and again, creating addiction to the child, youth and adults.the danger of your child being addicted to these cartoons,not only is in total change of conduct,since it can set the child to lie, become rebellious, aggressive.these children unwittingly invoke names of demons, evil spirits, they imitate all the rites in wich the sorcerers & witchdoctors practice their worship of Satan and sometimes achieve invoking some spirit without knowing evil can come to them and take possession of their bodies.i had heard rumors of this before but it is interesting to read it. i'm not saying you don't have to believe.but its just a warning.t's not hard to believe that the devil is real and he has a grip on us going by the happenings in our current events.everybody here knows goku and all his kakarot stuff and that the saiyan race is evil. But thats the point of th estory, he bumped his head and became goku protector of the Earth. piccolo was also a evil doer who got converted to good through the love for gohan. so yeah this isnt saying anything about christians or other...why even bring them up?although the whole article thing is questionable. the symbols are really there and they are not even very subliminal mr. satan - He is one of the well-known characters in the anime, perhaps most might consider him the stupid character in the series. But when you try to open your eyes from the series where this guy appears he always come useful to the main characters particularly to goku. when goku fought with kid buu in the buu saga, goku is desperately making ways to defeat the evil villain and at the final stage of the battle goku asked help from mr. satan to unleashed more energy for his spirit bomb.because satan is so famous in the world, mr. satan used his popularity to gain energy from the people andin the original undubbed episode you would see people in the world shouting SATAN! SATAN! SATAN! in support to mr. satans request. that episode really is so satanic lol aside from that Mr. Satan in the anime is a kind and generous person and he calls his park satan land, satan city’s largest amusement park. very obvious to people in the movie..they love to stay in that park.videl - she is the beautiful daughter of mr. Satan, very obvious her name is from the jumbled letters of the word "DEVIL". if mr. satan is not really the evil satan in the bible, then why does videl have to be the name of his daughter.i never really noticed before but its really cool finding all this stuff out. If the makers of DBZ are putting subliminal things in cartoons and stuff, doesnt that intrigue you one bit? In the spiritual world, there arelot of spirits when you watch it. i'm sure there are many controversial markings in the anime, those are just a few of them. anyways you kids would hardly get it.
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